– We want to help your experience go smoothly, so we’ve outlined some suggestions for a hassle-free evening.
– Party Tours is not responsible if you do not follow the rules and guidelines as outlined.
– The dress code in Las Vegas is VERY strict and is the number one reason you will get turned away if you are not in compliance.
– If you bring a coat with you, venues will require that you coat check them, which can become inconvenient, so consider leaving coats behind.
– You cannot leave items in the Party Bus in between stops.
If you want to ensure your night goes smoothly, DO NOT RISK IT!
Jeans – Jeans are acceptable if they are stylish and not overly baggy. Try to avoid jeans that look dirty or are excessively ripped. If you are unsure, wear some slacks, which are always safe.
Shirts – T-shirts can be acceptable if they are fitted and dressed up. Try pairing it with a nice blazer for a more upscale look. If you want to be safe, a Collard shirt will get you in every time.
Hats – Any sports or fitted hat will get you rejected from the clubs. However, if the hat is considered fashionable, you can get away with it. Try pairing your outfit with a beret or brimmed hat if you must wear one. But please remember it is always up to the door staff if they feel it is suitable for entry.
Shoes – Shoes can be tricky, so we always suggest wearing dress shoes if you want to be 100% sure you will get into the club. Occasionally, you might be able to slide past by dressing in low-profile tennis shoes (all black, all white, gray, etc.) with a nice collard shirt, jacket, and nice pants. Still, it is ultimately up to the door staff.
– Ladies can almost get away with wearing anything in Vegas, as long as it isn’t revealing TOO much. Stay away from see-through tops, bottoms, pasties, and super short dresses, skirts, or shorts. Keep it sexy but classy.
Shoes – Heels will always guarantee a swift and easy entry, and just like the men, no tennis shoes are allowed. If heels are an absolute no for the night, we suggest wearing wedges, dressy flats, or knee-high boots. Some sandals are okay, but they must have a strap on the back. No flip-flops will be allowed. Please be sensible with the shoes you decide to wear. It is a long night with lots of walking at the casinos, and you must keep your shoes on your feet at all times.
– The day clubs in Vegas implement a strict dress code policy just like the nightclubs!
– You do not need to bring a towel. The day clubs will provide towels.
– Acceptable attire for men is Swim trunks, board shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, flip flops, sandals, and sunglasses. Socks are not allowed.
– Acceptable attire for ladies is Bikinis or bathing suits, sandals, flip flops, wedges, heels, sun dresses, coverups, sun hats, and sunglasses.
– Please bring Valid Undamaged Identification. State ID/Drivers License, Military ID, & Passports (actual Passports-venues do not accept the Passports on a credit card) are all acceptable forms of ID.
– The venues will not accept your ID if it is damaged or if they believe it to be fraudulent. If you lose your ID, the nightclubs will not allow you in.
– The tours are lengthy, and we want everyone to have a good time. Still, please remember that if you get too intoxicated, the venues have the right to refuse your entrance.
– The door staff must watch for stumbling, glassy eyes, wobbly knees, and obnoxious behavior, so please do not allow yourself to get overly intoxicated.